All Natural Eczema Treatment
DoTERRA Essential Oil Treatment for:
Eczema is due to a hypersensitivity reaction (similar to an allergy) in the skin, which leads to long-term inflammation of the skin.
Eczema is most common in infants. Many people outgrow it by early adulthood. The condition tends to run in families.
People with eczema often have asthma or hay fever, too. There is often a family history of allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever, or eczema.
The most common causes of eczema include malnutrition, especially to the skin (deficiency of essential substances or nutrient imbalances) and internal pollution (interfering substances such as pollutants, heavy metals, drugs, metabolic waste products, toxins produced by yeast, and toxins made in our body as a result of allergic reactions).
The following can make eczema symptoms worse:
- Allergies to pollen, mold, dust mites, or animals
- Colds or the flu
- Contact with rough materials
- Dry skin
- Exposure to environmental irritants
- Exposure to water
- Feeling too hot or too cold
- Fragrances or dyes added to skin lotions or soaps
- Stress=============
Typical skin changes may include:
- Blisters with oozing and crusting
- Ear discharge or bleeding
- Raw areas of the skin from scratching
- Skin coloring changes — more or less coloring than the normal skin tone
- Skin redness or inflammation around the blisters
- Thickened or leather-like areas, called lichenification, which can occur after long-term irritation and scratching
Itching, which is sometimes intense, almost always occurs. Itching may start even before the rash appears.
Your skin, the protection between you and the outer world, is your body’s largest organ. It is there to protect you from infectious agents, environmental extremes, bumps, scratches, or invasive objects. It has a system of nerves to warn against impending dangers, a system of sweat glands for cooling, a capillary system that can bring nutritional helps to the blood stream, and a system to exude poisons from the body. A marvelous gland and so important for our health and well-being.
The skin is made up of three layers:
The epidermis – This is the outer layer of the skin. It the primary protective coating of the body and is primarily non-living cells (no blood is delivered to them) that are fed by the lower dermis layer. The epidermis is continually being rejuvenated from the dermis with the outer layer being completely replaced every 3 to 5 weeks.
The dermis – This layer, immediately below the epidermis, has all of the working elements of the skin. It has the outermost capillaries of the blood system, it is the location of the sweat glands, it includes lymph nodes housing immune system cells, it has nerve endings for our sense of touch, and the hair follicles. Around the hair follicles are the sebaceous glands that produce sebum. The proper amount of sebum, an oily secretion, lubricates and waterproofs our skin. Too much sebum, common to adolescents, leads to acne. Too little sebum, common to aging adults, leads to dry skin that promotes wrinkles.
*Interestingly enough this same sebum is also a very important element in the use of essential oils. This fatty substance is nearly ideal for absorbing essential oils, which then allows them, if applied topically (directly on the skin) to quickly enter the bloodstream. A demonstration by Dr. David Hill shows the effects of oils in the blood stream within a matter of tens of seconds.
The subcutaneous (hypodermal) layer – This is the innermost layer of the skin. It is the insulation for the body and is composed mostly of fat cell (adipocytes). Besides insulation these fat cells provide texture for a pleasing appearance of the skin. As these fat cells are lost, often in aging, wrinkles appear and sagging occurs.
Dermatitis is inflammation of the skin and includes eczema (redness, itching and dryness, swelling, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding). Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin and joints. Red scaly patches appear on the skin which are areas of inflammation due to excessive skin production. This disorder is chronic and not contagious.
Dermatitis, eczema and the skin symptoms of psoriasis are treated with similar oils. Lavender and frankincense are most helpful and can be augmented with geranium and melaleuca.
DoTERRA Essential Oil Eczema Treatment:
Drink 2-4 drops of Lemon Oil in 12oz of water 1-2 times, daily.
-(Helps clear out toxins in the body)
Make an ointment:
· 1 teaspoon carrier such as Fractionated Coconut Oil
· 20 drops lavender oil (relieves itching)
· 20 drops geranium oil (soothes and revitalizes)
· 20 drops melaleuca oil (if you suspect bacterial infection)
Use the ointment for direct topical application to the affected area.
For larger area use a bath adding the 6 to 12 drops of the lavender and the other oils as needed.
Additional Help:
doTERRA Life Long Vitality Pack Vitamins
Use doTERRA Skin Care Products
Finally, understand that eczema’s root cause is many times an internal infection and the skin irritation is only a manifestation of an internal candida problem. Therefore, strongly consider using a cleanse like the GX Assist followed by PB Assist to rebuild your probiotics. Couple this with the Life Long Vitality supplements to strengthen the immune system. In some reported cases of prolonged eczema the GX Assist had to be repeated multiple times.
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